About Healing Leaves

We all play a part of telling the world about Jesus.
Some of us go.
Some of us stay.
All of us pray.

Join me in this prayer journal for those who have given their lives to the telling of the gospel. For the most part, this journal is for those who have gone into foreign nations to serve the most unreached groups. Still, you can adjust these prayers for those you know regardless of where they are.

Please scroll down to see prayers,or click through the prayer list to the right.

And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the work of God which is at work in you who believe. I Thess 2:13

When Paul was writing to the Thessalonians, he was explaining how he lived among them and savored their lives. In verse 13 he tells them how he thanks God that they received the Word and accepted it as the truth.
  • Pray that in the same way, your missionary will be empowered to live among this people, learning their language and culture so that the message of the gospel would be presented in such a way it can be received. The gospel cannot just be heard, it must be heard in such a way that Christ penetrates the hearts of men in their language, culture and heart so that transformations may take place.
  • Pray that the hearts of this people will be opened to the gospel truth of Jesus and that He will transform their lives.
  • Pray that they will understand and have ears to hear the truth of Jesus Christ.


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