About Healing Leaves

We all play a part of telling the world about Jesus.
Some of us go.
Some of us stay.
All of us pray.

Join me in this prayer journal for those who have given their lives to the telling of the gospel. For the most part, this journal is for those who have gone into foreign nations to serve the most unreached groups. Still, you can adjust these prayers for those you know regardless of where they are.

Please scroll down to see prayers,or click through the prayer list to the right.

To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I Cor. 9: 22

Culture shock! Most certainly your missionary will experience this indescribable ride of emotions. The language is not understood. What is right and acceptable in society is yet to be discovered, and even wondering how to shop, meet people or even say “hello” are dominant concerns. This is some of what your missionary will experience.
  • Pray for a quickening of adjustment into this new a foreign culture.
  • Pray that your missionary will begin to quickly fall into the patterns and ways of their new home. As difficult as it can be, we know that God will provide and take care of all those things concerning your missionary.
  • Pray the Holy Spirit will quicken the learning of customs, traditions, language, social norms and the like.
  • Pray your missionary will have a clear cultural awareness so as to present Jesus to the people right where they are.


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