About Healing Leaves

We all play a part of telling the world about Jesus.
Some of us go.
Some of us stay.
All of us pray.

Join me in this prayer journal for those who have given their lives to the telling of the gospel. For the most part, this journal is for those who have gone into foreign nations to serve the most unreached groups. Still, you can adjust these prayers for those you know regardless of where they are.

Please scroll down to see prayers,or click through the prayer list to the right.

Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. - Jesus Matthew 11:28

When we tell people to recover from illness we generally tell them to get lots of rest. The same is true when it comes to leading people to Jesus – they need His eternal rest. Just as many times the individual who is showing signs of illness will often time ignore it, or pretend the symptoms are not as bad as they really are, the burdens and wearisome loads on the people who do not know Christ are sometimes gone unnoticed and undetermined.

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to begin a healing work on this people group.
  • Pray they will realize they are heavy laden and cancer ridden with sin and that Jesus can heal them from all their infirmities.
  • Pray that the healing words of Jesus and the healing act of the cross will become the healing balm to this lost people group.
  • Pray for physical healing in the people that would point them to the love of God.


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