About Healing Leaves

We all play a part of telling the world about Jesus.
Some of us go.
Some of us stay.
All of us pray.

Join me in this prayer journal for those who have given their lives to the telling of the gospel. For the most part, this journal is for those who have gone into foreign nations to serve the most unreached groups. Still, you can adjust these prayers for those you know regardless of where they are.

Please scroll down to see prayers,or click through the prayer list to the right.

My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Col. 2:2-3

When times get difficult, and times will, pray for your missionary to glean understanding.
  • Pray for him/her to remember that Jesus is the understanding.
  • Pray He will be thier wisdom and knowledge in both difficult and peaceful times.
  • Pray for emotional understanding.
  • Pray for cognitive understanding; more along the lines of discernment.
  • Pray they will be filled with the Spirit and that He will renew their minds so they may be able to discern God’s will in every situation they encounter.
  • Pray that your missionary will seek Jesus who is our understanding, wisdom, knowledge and discernment.


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