About Healing Leaves

We all play a part of telling the world about Jesus.
Some of us go.
Some of us stay.
All of us pray.

Join me in this prayer journal for those who have given their lives to the telling of the gospel. For the most part, this journal is for those who have gone into foreign nations to serve the most unreached groups. Still, you can adjust these prayers for those you know regardless of where they are.

Please scroll down to see prayers,or click through the prayer list to the right.

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes. Rom. 1:16
In order for the gospel of Jesus to advance there must be a breakthrough by God. This could be in the heart of one person or a group. Regardless, He is the power in which the gospel will advance in this people group.
  • Pray that God will send forth His Spirit in power to break into the hearts of the people.
  • Pray that just as He raised Christ from the dead His same power would lift the veil off the eyes of the people your missionary is serving.
  • Pray His Name would be made famous among this people group and that His Name would be their identification.
  • Pray His Holy Spirit would move in and in the Name of the Holy Savior Jesus, He would break into the hearts of all the peoples that do not call Him Lord.


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